The Winner English version


The Winner

                                                              Written by Gyunhyeong Kim

(This script is written on the basis of Special Needs parents’ statement.)
(Some part was not completed yet.)

Cast of Characters
Director /
Doctor 1 /
Doctor 2 /
Doctor 3 /
Mother 1 /
Child 1 /
Volunteer Student /
Mother 3 /
Child 3 /
Inho /
Inho’s Father /
Suzan’s Father /
Friend 1 /
Friend 2 /
Friend 3 /
Brother /
Sister / Yong
Dancer 1 /
Dancer 2 /
Narrator /

#1 Prologue

What is life? What is happiness?
Born in this world, we live our lives not so short
Finished, we have to go back to where we came from
Waiting for a new life which will be given

Everybody expects to have a happy life
Everybody wants to live their lives with smile
Some are Happy but some are not
Some smile and others cry, is our world not fair?

We all want our lives to be happy
We all want that I always can enjoy smile
What if more sigh than smile for me
What if more unhappy than pleasure in my life

I want to live my life smiling happily
I want to show it to the world how much I am happy
However, nobody knows what the world prepared for me
What is important is to do my best until the end

Nobody knows who will smile at the end of our life
Life is not given to us ready made
We must live our lives
With struggles

End of the song. The narrator leaves the stage and the Special needs children and volunteer students come in with the director.


They sing a couple of songs and when they finish singing,

OK, Let’s take a break.

Everybody leaves the stage except the director

(to the audience) Hello, I am ooo. how are you? I am the director of this program which will be held every Saturday. I think you all know why we gather today in this place. Yes, in a word, let’s understand and accept the others as they are. Yes, it may be correct. Not few parents take care of their disabled children. About 36 million of Americans which is 12% of the whole American population, have disability: 5% of 5 to 17 years old, 10% of 18 to 64 years old, and 35% of more than 65 years old. By category, 10 million of hearing disability, 6.5 million of sight disability and 13.5 million of mental disability, and among these 13.5 million, about 2 million are children of less than 17 years old. Disability may be inherent due to an unknown reason, or it can appear on the process of growth, or, for example, because of accidents, people's life can be affected. It means we are always risked to have a certain disability. What is important in disability is, no matter it is inherent or not, it asks somebody else’s sacrifice. Usually the sacrifice of parents. It is the sacrifice of children if elderly person has Alzheimer’s. Anyway what is sure, no matter what the situation is, the person who is touched by disability is unable to resolve the problem alone. From the moment when disability was discovered, surely, somebody else has to take care of the disabled person.

Children come again with noise.

Again, it’s time to sing. Please listen to our music again. (to children) OK. Let’s sing the song we exercised.

여기는 우리 집 우리가 함께 모여 생활하는 공간
This is our home where we get together
안녕 안녕 모두 모두 안녕 반가워 그 동안 잘 있었어
Hi, Hi, everybody. How is it going
우리 모두 즐겁게 인사하고 일주일 간 보고 싶었단 말을 하지
We all greet together and say I miss you for a week
우리는 여기에 모여 우리 함께 즐거운 시간 보내기 위해
지난 한 주는 어떻게 보냈니 너무 힘들지는 않았니
언제나 웃을 수는 없지만 우리는 언제나 웃으려고 노력해
앞으로 한 주는 무얼 하고 보낼 거니 무슨 계획이 있니
우리는 언제나 긍정적이려 노력해 우리는 언제나 앞을 바라봐
X2) 여기는 우리 집 우리가 함께 모여 생활하는 우리 만의 공간
우리는 모두 이곳에서 행복해 다른 사람들과 함께 하며
여기는 우리 집 언제나 만나면 반가운 우리만의 공간
반가워 보고 싶었어 잘 있었어 행복하자

Song finishes, the light goes out.

#2 Test

Dark. A doctor says.

The test result arrived. Your child has disability.

The light is only topped on Doctor 1. There is a film at the same time. The contents of the film is about Special needs children.

Disability can be divided in mental disorder and physical disability. Or in many cases, these two symptoms appear in the same child.

The light topped on Doctor 2 and Doctor 3. From now on, all three doctors say at the same time.

지체 장애는 다방면에 걸쳐서 발생하는, 선천적 또는 후천적인 원인으로 일상생활 활동의 제약을 초래하는 신체적 기능의 손상을 의미합니다. 팔다리의 장애와 몸통의 장애로 구분할 수 있으며, 장애는 기능적 제약을 의미하므로 지체 장애란 팔다리와 몸통에 문제가 생겨 본래의 기능 수행에 제약이 가해지는 상태라 이해할 수 있습니다. 문제의 정도는 가벼운 수준의 기능 장애뿐만 아니라 절단과 같은 영구적 기능 손상까지를 포함합니다. 또한 과거에 비하여 의료수준이 높아졌지만 동시에 평균수명이 늘어나면서 노화 때문에 생기는 기능장애, 교통사고나 각종 안전사고로 인해 발생하는 지체 장애 등이 증가하고 있기 때문에 장애에 노출될 가능성은 더 높아졌다고 보는 것이 맞습니다. 지체 장애가 발생하는 원인에 대해서는 선천적인 원인과 후천적인 원인으로 나누어 볼 수 있습니다. 선천적 원인에는 선천성 기형 및 소아마비, 근육병-근이양증 등과 같은 각종 질환이 있으며, 후천적 원인은 사고, 질병의 합병증이나 후유증이 있는데 예를 들면, 당뇨병 합병증으로 인한 절단, 혈관성 질환, 골수 질환 등으로 인한 절단을 들 수 있겠습니다. 예방방법으로는 장애를 야기할 수 있는 각종 질환이나 사고에 대한 예방이 가장 중요합니다. 특히 합병증으로 인하여 장애가 발생할 수 있으므로 합병증 예방에 주의를 기울여야 할 것이며, 안전사고와 같이 대비가 가능한 부분에 대해서는 반드시 수칙을 준수하는 것이 필요 합니다.

뇌병변장애란 뇌성마비, 외상성 뇌손상, 뇌졸중 등 뇌의 기질적 병변으로 인하여 발생한 신체적 장애를 의미합니다. 뇌병변장애는 임신과 출산 과정에서 주로 발생합니다. 산모가 바이러스에 의해 병에 걸렸을 때, 특히 풍진은 태아에게 악영향을 주며, 산모가 약물중독이 있을 때에도 태아에게 나쁜 영향을 미칩니다. 조산일 경우 미숙아의 호흡장애로 인해 뇌에 산소가 충분히 공급되지 못해 발생할 수도 있으며, 출산 이후에는 뇌막염 같은 질병이나 사고로 발생하기도 합니다. 뇌성마비란 미성숙한 뇌의 손상으로 자세와 운동의 이상이 생기는 질환으로 어린이들에서 발생하는 가장 심각한 장애 중 하나입니다. 임신 중 어머니의 태안에서, 분만 전후 혹은 어린 아기였을 때 어느 정도의 뇌손상을 받아 생깁니다. 지적장애, 경련, 언어장애, 학습부진, 시각 및 청각장애 등을 흔히 동반합니다. 외상성 뇌손상이란 머리에 충격이 가해졌을 때 뇌의 출혈 등은 보이지 않으나 물리적 충격으로 인한 신경세포들의 기능이상으로 일시적으로 혹은 영구적으로 인식, 인지, 감각, 운동 등의 뇌 기능이 감소 혹은 소실된 상태를 말합니다.  뇌졸증이란 뇌기능의 부분적 또는 전체적으로 급속히 발생한 장애가 상당 기간 이상 지속되는 것으로 뇌혈관 이상으로 문제가 생기는데 크게 뇌경색과 뇌출혈을 의미하며 이로 인하여 장애가 발생합니다.

자폐성장애란 다양한 발달문제를 함께 보이는 발달장애로 생후 초기 3년 내에 나타나게 됩니다. 가장 주된 증상이 사람과 상호작용하려는 의지를 보이지 않는다는 것이죠. 아기 때부터 장난감에는 적극적으로 시선을 두지만 사람의 눈은 의식적으로 피하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 또 생후 24개월 이후에도 가족들이 스킨십을 하거나 상호작용을 위해서 접근할 때 상대의 의도를 파악하려는 긴장감을 보이지 않게 됩니다. 24개월 이후에는 꼭 조기 발견되어야 하지만 대부분 자기 마음대로 하려는 아이, 혹은 고집이 센 아이로 생각하고 발견하지 못하는 경우가 많습니다. 이 장애는 한 때 주로 사회경제적으로 수준이 높은 가정의 아이들이 진단 받을 기회를 얻으면서 부모가 보인 냉담한 양육태도가 증상의 원인이라는 오해를 받기도 했습니다. 그리고 자폐의 원인이 부모의 냉담한 양육태도라는 가설로 인해 자폐아동을 가족으로부터 격리시켜 시설에서 양육하게 하는 잘못된 치료방법까지도 등장시켰습니다. 하지만 1960년대에 들어서면서 자폐증상이 뇌 기능의 문제이며 가족의 수입이나 삶의 형태, 부모의 교육수준 등이 영향을 미치지 않는다는 사실이 밝혀졌습니다. 자폐 장애의 증상은 언어 발달 지연, 감정교류의 어려움, 자극에 대한 특별한 반응, 변화에 대한 거부감, 의미 없는 행동 혹은 강박적인 행동, 특정 사물에 집착, 사회적 상징적 놀이의 어려움 등이 나타납니다.

The lines of three doctors finish almost at the same time. Again, the doctor1 only has the light. The audience can see the Mom1 who pushing a wheel chair in the movie.

Being disabled is first of all hard to the person who has disability. How much it is difficult not to be able to talk when he or she has something to express? Because of this limitation the disabled person gets aggressive from time to time, or courageous or sometimes he or she behaves according to what the instinct guides. Majority of disabled children don’t know what is right, what is for him to be able to do or what is dangerous. So, we must not leave a disabled alone.  24 hours a day somebody has to stay beside him or her. From the moment that a child is recognized as disabled, huge part of parents’ life must sacrifice for the child. Disability completely changes parents’ life, no, it completely deprives parents’ of their life. It forces them to live completely different life, and this different life is not for themselves but for their beloved child, and it is endless. They have to live their lives with a huge burden that others don’t have.

When the explanation and image finish, mother 1 appears on the stage.

Someone who stayed a bit in the Philippines said this story. When he arrived there for the first time, he could see people not working at day time. He couldn’t understand. Why people don’t work? Because you are so lazy, you cannot live wealthy. However one day, two days and one week and at the end of one month, he slowly started to understand people. From morning, more than 100 degrees of temperature overwhelm people. Yes, people can endure 100 degrees. We can say that. They can endure for one day, two, ten or 100 days. It is possible to endure, but one year, two years, 10 years, 20 years and 100 years? Can people endure for so long time? There is no end. You cannot even avoid the hot weather. The hot day continues endlessly. Maybe people don’t know what raising  special need child means. It’s like to live under this tropical temperature everyday. No a/c, no shade, no shelter, under the  burning sun. Enduring, just enduring the hot and broiling sun light. This is my life to raise my disabled child.

She goes out and narrator appears watching her back

나에게 아픔을 주어 저 MOTHER의 뒷모습이
나에게 생각하게 해 저 MOTHER의 뒷모습이
얼마나 힘이 들까 하루하루 견디는 것이
언제나 편하게 쉴 수 있을까 무거운 짐 내려놓고

저 뒷모습 내게 얘기하지 얼마나 힘이 드는지
얼마나 반복했을까 삶이 무언지 물어보는 걸
얼마나 고민했을까 꿈이 무엇이었는지 잊으려는 걸
어떤 목표를 가지고 있었을까 저 MOTHER는

하나님의 시험일까 왜 저이에게 이런 시험을
악마가 행복을 시기해 고통을 주는 것일까
언제나 등에 얹혀진 저 무거운 짐을 벗을 수 있을까
행복이란 정말 그렇게 멀리에 있는 것일까

저 MOTHER의 희망 저 MOTHER의 꿈
돈도 많이 벌고 아이들 예쁘게 키우고
세계여행 다니는 멋진 인생을 꿈꾸었겠지
행복으로 가득 찬 멋진 인생을

하지만 얼마나 피곤할까 매일 매일이
언제나 자신을 다독이며 위로하지 이게 내 인생이라고
언제나 스스로에게 말하지 이게 내 삶이라고
그래 맞아 이게 내 삶이야 내 아이를 안전하게 키우는 것

하나님은 왜 누구에게는 행복을 누구에게는 고통을 주실까
하나님은 왜 누구에게는 편안한 미소를 누구에게는 아픈 웃음을 주실까
사람은 누구나 서로 다른 운명을 가지고 있지
그러나 언제나 웃음만, 언제나 눈물만 있는 건 아니야

각자에게 주어진 각각의 운명
각자가 살아가야 할 각각의 운명
피곤하고 힘들지만 무너져서는 안돼
외롭고 고통스럽지만 내 운명은 내가 끌고 가야 하니까



Light in

I think everybody wants to be happy. Thus, we feel difficult to bear when unhappy life falls onto us. It is especially true if something happens to our children. Isn’t children’s success one of the pleasures in our life? However lots of things change when child’s disability is discovered. No, not lots of things. Everything in parent’s life completely changes. First of all, the point of view in life sill shrinks on how to raise the child in safe. There is no future, but you have to protect your children from being in danger. I know a story. The child doesn’t sleep at night and sleeps a bit at day time. Trying not to be able to sleep at day time? Why didn’t she do that? What didn’t she do? She did everything but nothing worked. When the child is disturbed by not being able to sleep at day time, the situation gets worse. She becomes more nervous and nobody knows what she does. Sometime she tried to hurt herself. There is no other way than leave her on what she wants to do. Furthermore, the parents cannot sleep also because the child doesn’t sleep. One winter night, when the mother nods to sleep, the child went out. In the middle of the night. Getting frightened, the parents call 911 first, and fortunately, the child was seen by the police and was in the police station. If she was not seen by the police… This is just an example. There are so many different situations more dangerous. Protecting the children from dangerous environment is the first responsibility given to parents. Fortunately, many there are many who are interested in this hard work. The education supported by the government, after school activities and every Saturday we are here all together. This is milal. Many work for specisl needs children. among other things there are young students who gather together evey Saturday. I want you to introduce them. Ok, everybody, come on out here.

Everybody is on the stage.

We prepared a song to greet you.

세상은 넓고 할 일은 많다 우리는 젊고 하고 싶은 것 많다
아침에 일어나 학교 가고 열심히 공부하고 애프터 스쿨 활동도 열심히 하고
매일 매일 최선을 다하며 우리 인생을 설계해
우리는 젊고 할 일은 많고 세상은 넓고 우리를 부르고 있어
우리는 세상으로 나갈 거야 우리의 인생을 개척하기 위해
우리를 기다리는 인생은 어떤 걸까 가끔씩 두렵기도 해
우리는 넘어지지 않아 우린 아직 젊어 우리에겐 희prepared 망이 있으니까
모든 것이 잘 될 거야 내가 노력하는 만큼 내가 애쓰는 만큼
나에게는 용기 있어 힘도 있어 의지도 있어 꿈도 있어
세상에 나아가 그 누구보다 용기 있게 힘있게 잘 살 거야
덤벼라 세상아 내가 나간다 네가 아무리 힘세어도 나보다는 약할 것
기다려라 세상아 내가 나간다 내 앞에 무릎 꿇고 나를 맞으라
X2 우리는 발룬티어 나를 희생하고 남들을 위해 봉사하는
우리는 발룬티어 어려운 일 스스로 찾아서 마무리 짓는
우리가 있음으로 이들이 덜 불편하고
우리가 있음으로 많은 사람들이 조금은 편안해져

우리는 발룬티어

Song ends.

Good, they are so reliable. I want to somebody to talk about the work. Who will do that?

A student comes.

저는 이곳에서 저 친구들과 함께 SONG도 부르고 놀기도 하고 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있습니다. 발륜티어죠. 매주 한 번씩 00에 모여 SONG도 가르치고 함께 게임을 하거나…. 저는 이 일을 고등학교 때부터 시작했습니다. 그리고 제 인생이 바뀌었습니다. 장애아들과 함께 하면서 어떻게 하면… 그래서 대학에서 전공을 하고 졸업하면 장애아를 돌보는 …. 저 친구들과 함께 할 때 가장 슬픈 일은….. 하지만 즐거움도 많습니다. ….. 여기에서 발룬티어를 한다는 것은 이러저러한 좋은 점이 있습니다. 저는 정말 이 일이 좋습니다.

Once the lines finished, once again, they sing the song No.4 We Are Volunteers all together, if possible with some dance. With the end of the song, the light goes out.

#5  BUS

Mother3 and the child3 show the scene where the child waits for the school bus which comes at 8 am from 5 am. During 3 hours, he makes his parents feel uncomfortable. When the child finally leaves, the mother is completely exhausted.

It is exhausting. I have to take a rest a bit.

She leaves the stage.

The parents say that kind of situation repeats every day. There is also the child who doesn’t sleep at night, the child who waits for the school bus for 3 hours every morning…. There are so many different symptoms and behaviors being shown from the children, and the parents must always be sensitive to their children.

The guys enter with noise.

Oh, physical education class. If you catch the ball, please send it back to us.

Children play with the balls on the stage.

OK. Let’s wrap it up.

Guys disappear and Mom3 comes

Our children like this place because they can do what they want to do without restrictions. We, the parents also like this place because we can communicate well to each other among us who share a certain common points. We exchange our opinions, or just chat about the things awkward to talk with others. We already know everything even though we don’t express by the word. We know how difficult everything is. Talking each other, we can be consoled by each other. One difficult problem that we suffer is just that. It is not easy to communicate with others. We know well among us, among special needs family. However with others who don’t have any special needs children, even though it is not our intention, but we disturb others. Let’s say we are on the way of travel with another family. In this case, it is very possible the schedule cannot be executed as it was planned before, because we cannot keep step with others. We cannot hangout, talk with enjoy the things all together. Our child cannot get along with others and we have to take care of our child. Therefore the family with Special Needs will live isolated, cutting relationships with other families.

Mother3 prays.

SONG5 mother’s pray / NARRATOR
용감하게 하소서 저 어머니를
힘을 주소서 당당히 일어설 수 있게
혼자 감당하기에는 너무 큰 짐
씩씩하게 하소서 저 어머니를

힘을 주소서 저 어머니에게
용기를 주소서 저 어머니에게
자신과 아이의 몫을 항상 함께 해야 하니까
언제나 자신과 아이 두 몫

기도하게 하소서 건강하게 해 달라고
기도하게 하소서 용기 잃지 않게 해 달라고
MOTHER가 튼튼해야 아이를 보살필 수 있고
MOTHER가 용기 있어야 둘의 삶 꾸려 나갈 수 있으니까

저 어머니에게 주어진 커다란 숙제 아이가 태어난 순간부터
다른 사람은 아무도 해결할 수 없는 중요한 숙제
저 어머니가 없다면 저 아이는 누가 끌어 줄까
준비하도록 하소서 저 어머니를

저 어머니에게 힘을 주시고 용기 주시고
언제나 무너지지 않게 하시고 앞으로 나가게 하시고
힘들 때 위로해 주시고 용기 더욱 주시고
사랑과 믿음으로 아이를 보살피게 하소서



Inho’s story. Some video clips were previously recorded and is being projected.

Yes. It’s tough work. To whom, isn’t raising children difficult? It is tough work for everybody. Sometimes I think a bad thing; I hope my child to die before me. Yes I admit it’s a bad idea, but I cannot help stopping thinking this kind of bad idea whenever I recognize that my child cannot live alone. Or, I have to do something for him to live alone, but it is practically impossible. Sometimes I think to send him to the camp for Special Needs children. However, he is my child and it is me who have to take care of my child. I try to be encouraged by thinking it is my fate and my life. In fact, it is not always tough and sad to raise him. I sometimes get consolidated from him. I wrote something about that. Because I was in the army for a long time, my writing is a bit too formal, anyway, I thought of the happiness my son gives to me.

Thanks for my child
Jaesoo Park, Feb 14th ,2016
My son is 32 years old this year
It is golden age in human’s life
My son cannot go out alone
However, he doesn’t complain about it
Thank you for that

My son likes eating
All stuffs containing eatery must be locked
Not being easy for him, he remember the name of things he likes
Chocolate, cake, Ice-cream, Bread, Coffee, Juice…
Thanks for expressing in word

Eating well, my son is robust like an athlete
Thanks for not getting captured by illness
Strong, he can carry bunch of things easily
Thanks for sharing my hard work

The day when we eat much out
My son if filled with energy
After we take a walk on the streets and park
Thanks for his good sleep and my exercise

93 years old, my father says to me
You should be lucky because you don’t go dangerous places due to being with your son
Thanks for protecting me
I have to take care of my son
It is tough and I feel fatigue from time to time
However, I have my own happy time I enjoy
On the southern window side, with a cup of coffee
Under the warm sunlight, it is paradise

My son, I got 64 years old
I pray to God
Give me power to take care of you
Until my last breath, until I am buried
To be closer to God through you
I am sure that your angel will watch over you
Even though I am no longer with you

Finishing reading, he calls his son who appears and gos out with his father on his back. Appearing of narrator

SONG7 Thanks / Narrator
고맙다 아가 내 아가 너로 인해 내가 행복을 느낀다
사랑한다 아가 내 아가 너는 내게 행복을 주는구나
네가 비록 원하는 대로 무엇이든 할 수 없지만
네가 비록 아프고 남들과 어울려 뛰어 놀 수 없지만
MOTHER는 네가 있어 행복하고 너를 바라보며 행복을 느낀다
때로 아프기도 하고 때로 괴롭기도 하지만
때로 행복하기도 하고 때로 즐겁기도 하다
고맙다 아가 네가 내 곁에 있다는 것이
우리 행복하게 살자 우리 웃으며 살자
비록 삶이 쉽지 않고 비록 세상이 어두울지라도
네가 내 곁에 있어 이 MOTHER는 힘을 낼 수 있고
네가 내 곁에 있어 이 MOTHER는 용기를 낼 수 있다
끝까지 같이 살자 아가 내가 네 눈이 돼줄게
내 곁을 떠나서는 안된다 아가 내가 너의 손발이니까
아가 사랑하는 내 아가 영원히 함께 살자



Images of Susan and his father

I try, no, I think that my child wear the cloths called Special Needs as if other children wear red, yellow or blue cloths. Even though slower than others, my child communicates in her pace. Yes it is true. However it is a kind of resignation in a certain point of view. It is a modification of my eye level according to my child’s. It was tough. How difficult living was as immigrant is. It was so hard and all of a sudden, my daughter blocked my way. I was flung toughly in the dark without exit. Everything that I planned became scrambled completely. I couldn’t do anything. One day, all of a sudden, a huge burden so heavy that I cannot escape from falls on me and start to press me and to disturb my life. To tell the truth, I could forgive even though somebody else robs my meal, hits me, but at that time, I couldn’t forgive if somebody else deprives my time from me, my time precious like gold, but it was my child who was robbing my time completely, my precious time. Riding the train in zoo for three or four hours which seems not to stop at all, riding elevators in a shopping mall to go up and down again again for  three or four hours, I had to waste my time. I had to dump my precious time to waste it after my child. Grudging one second, one minute, I tried to save my time, but all my time was thrown away totally. Susan, Oh, Susan! I shaded tears. I shaded tears because of despondency. I shaded tears because of fury. I shaded tears because of resentment. I don’t know what’s what, what to do, why me, why me, others are safe and sound, why should I suffer this pain? I am going crazy, no I got really crazy. I shouted so many times, I cried a lot, I drank so much as well. However nothing changed. My daughter is always where she was without any change. Everything got messy and I was lost. I became real disabled. Susan, Oh Susan! I could not give up because she was my child. I put her in the centre of my life and I contemplated again how I would weave my life. I tried to go ahead again, but, in vain. I tried to do useful things for my family, but she was always an obstacle in my life. I frequently crashed against the wall of patience and my heart sank so many times. With all these occasions, my precious time left me one after another. Whenever I got discouraged, I was crying endlessly, hugging my daughter innocent and knowing nothing. (crying a moment) However I could not be the centre of my life. She is my child and needs me. I had to give up my own life, and putting again my daughter in the centre of my life, I had to draw my whole life trying not to be so impatient… It takes so long time for me to feel more comfortable. In fact, looking back upon my life, I agree to have had an important fruit thanks to my daughter. If she didn’t have any disability, is my figure same as I do now? I may be more arrogant, cocky, pompous than now and I may be very selfish not knowing to consider other people. Because of my daughter, I could have time to contemplate on myself and to observe my daughter, my family and all my surroundings slowly and sincerely. I could think more, thank more and see more. This chance might be a blessing from my child. I thank for her.

He goes out calling Susan and narrator comes forward

가끔 꿈을 꾸겠지 수잔과 이야기 나누는 꿈을
시간 가는 줄 모르고 이야기 나누는 꿈을
무슨 말을 먼저 할까 수잔이 말을 할 수 있게 되면
엘리베이터 기차 쇼핑몰 프라이 아니면 아빠

소중했던 시간들 허공 속에 사라져 간 시간들
아쉬워하며 아까워하며 억지로 놓아 보냈던 시간들
시간이란 뭘까 그리도 아까워했던 그 시간이란
시간이란 그건 뭘까 시간이란

저 아빠에게 시간이란 수잔으로부터 배운 것
인내란 하찮은 일의 무한 반복을 감내하는 것
세상의 기준에서 보는 욕망과 꿈이 아니라
딸 수잔을 통해 그가 갖게 된 소중한 시간

오늘도 꿈을 꾸겠지 저 아빠는 오늘도
수잔과 즐거운 얘기 도란도란 나누는 꿈을
맥도날드에 둘이 앉아 소중한 얘기 나누는 꿈을
엘리베이터 기차 쇼핑몰 프라이 아빠


#7 Yaya song

Light in.

It is time to finish our story. Our final story is like this. There are a Special need child and the parents who sacrifice their lives. When they get into puberty, they start to discover their ego. They recognize that they are different from others, and they want to receive attention and pay attention with others. Because of this desire, some try to touch others, some becomes more obstinate or violent. Discovering their difference, some others fall into depression. There are also other children who live with them, being influenced as much as the special needs children and their parents. They are extremely vulnerable. They are their siblings. It becomes difficult for them also to make safe and sound relationship with others because the whole family is isolated from others. Furthermore, they have tendency not to invite others to their home with the worry of their special need sibling. If the sibling behave oddly to their friends? They also worry about being mocked by friends. They avoid to hang out with friends… Here, there is our final story.

Yaya song episode will be going on. A girl moved into a town and she started to go to school. She was a member of the band in the school. Every weekend the students visit one of member’s house and have small backyard party. The girl was hesitating because she has a brother of special needs. Anyway, because it was her turn, the students gathered in her backyard. All of a sudden the brother appears and makes yaya sound, maybe hoping getting a part. Nobody mocked his behavior and they accepted him. Next day at school, the students even made a song called Yaya song and encouraged the girl saying “transfer our message that was funny” and all leave the stage except the girl.

Thanks for everybody.

When she calls her brother’s name, everybody appears singing Yaya song. Everybody sings it all together and they leave the stage.

#9 Epilogue

SONG8 our world / NARRATOR
우리는 이 세상에 살아간다 세상이라 이름 붙여진 이 지구 상에
모든 사람들이 서로 다르고 서로 자신만의 가치를 가지고 있고
남들보다 더 가진 사람 남들보다 덜 가진 사람
세상은 이러저런 너무도 많은 사람들이 함께 살아가지

우리 사는 세상 모두 함께 사는 세상
손을 내밀어 누군가 힘들어 하면
일으켜줘 누군가 넘어지면
그게 인간다움이야 서로를 배려하는 것이

등 돌리지마 무시하지마
함께 손 잡고 살아가야 할 세상이야
우리 세상이야 우리 모두 함께 살아 가는
누구도 패배하지 않는 우린 모두 위너

The End.